All of your Phone Dialer™ data is stored in the cloud, meaning you can access your dialing portal and place calls from anywhere in the world
Whether your employees use mobile phones, VoIP, landlines or desktop devices, Phone Dialer™ allows them to dial their contacts without having to change their existing setup
Phone Dialer™ analyses your organization’s call data and determines the most effective time to place a call based when a contact is most likely to answer. Keep your calls more organized with our call tracking feature
Each user may use up to 10 specified local numbers for free
Users have the option to purchase toll free 877 Area Code & vanity numbers from their Phone Dialer™ platform
Create as many extensions as you require and specify call routing rules across all employees and departments of your business
Set up and play custom recorded voicemail messages for each of your extensions
Save time by having your voicemail messages transcribed straight to your email inbox
A screen pop display accompanies every call, displaying contact details and relevant call history as soon as the phone starts ringing
Organize and prioritize your leads according to your prescribed segmentation criteria
You never have to drop a call with Phone Dialer™; simply forward incoming calls to the next available user
Enjoy SMS text functionality, allowing two way texting, forwarding and auto-responding
Don’t waste time leaving voicemail messages; simply move onto the next call and the system will leave a prerecorded message for you. Send to Straight to Voicemail messages for all those frequent sales follow ups.
Make smarter business choices with Phone Dialer™ high-end analytics, offering complete reporting on call history and usage data across your organization
Track all incoming calls and spot important trends to help you adjust your telemarketing efforts accordingly
Rank and prioritize your prospects according to an assigned quality score, allowing you to make the most effective use of your time
Give each of your employees their own specific role within the Phone Dialer™ software and access rights to match it
Stop wasting time waiting for calls. Phone Dialer™ allows you to dial up to three contacts at once and speak to whomever answers first
Reduce your call abandonment rates by tracking abandonment, toggling down dialing rates and playing recorded messages when recipients switch off
Leverage your existing technology solutions by integrating Phone Dialer™ into third party services such as Zapier
Need to integrate auto dialing into your current CRM or sales software? Our open API allows you to create an integration with any application of your choosing
Phone Dialer™ can grow and scale alongside your business. Our solution is perfect not only for large-scale enterprises but also small businesses and individual users. The solution can be scaled and customized to meet your specific requirements. While other solutions put a minimum floor on the number of users, Phone Dialer™ can work with just one single agent. And if you need to grow your business, simply adjust your plan to incorporate more users.
Hiring and firing employees all the time can be a drain on resources. You need to train new staff and set them up with new accounts, while removing access for former employees. Phone Dialer™ alleviates this burden as it is specifically designed for companies with a high turnover. When an employee leaves, you can simply transfer their license to a new user with no fuss or additional cost. And you can easily adjust your plan to scale up or down as your business requires. Walkthroughs and training make the onboarding process hassle-free and your new sales rep can be on the floor making calls in no time.
If your business operates under a high level of security, then you can be assured with Phone Dialer™ that you are in a safe pair of hands. We have extensive experience working with prison call centers and other high security environments. The level of security our software provides is customizable to your particular needs, and has minimal technological requirements. All your users need is an assigned phone locked into dialing one external phone number. Users must enter their unique access pin to use the software, and can only make calls to contact lists you have specifically assigned to them. If it is appropriate for your levels of security, you can also provide them with a screen display to accompany each call with contact details and previous interaction history.
Make the most of travelling time by placing calls on the go. Phone Dialer™ is an incredibly versatile and flexible dialing platform that can be used in any location from any device. Whether you’re commuting to work, at home, or sitting in a coffee shop, you can leverage any spare moment of your day to generate sales. Use your existing mobile or landline phone, or use our desktop app, and you can auto dial contacts, view your analytics or record your call outcomes with ease.
Sales agents who work in different locations require a solution that gives them the flexibility to work in any location. Car dealers and field sales representatives for example, are rarely tied down to a desk, and will need to follow up and nurture their prospects whenever they have a spare moment. Phone Dialer™ provides just this level of flexibility, allowing your agents to call and track their contacts at all times from their mobile phone. You too can benefit from the ability to monitor their performance and ensure they are working productively.
Real estate agents must place a huge number of outbound calls on a daily basis, from cold calling new prospects to following up with existing clients. Minimize unnecessary waiting times with Phone Dialer™, and make three times the volume of cold calls. Prospecting for potential sellers and buyers can be carried out more efficiently and productively, from any device and location of your choosing.
When you have a remote workforce it can be a challenge to ensure they stay productive and make a high number of calls even when working from home. In some cases they need specialized equipment to work from home effectively. Phone Dialer™ removes these problems with its enhanced performance tracking capabilities. Monitor productivity, call activity and outcomes of each individual user. The solution is perfectly suited to remote working as no additional equipment is required. It can work on whatever existing device your employees currently use. All training and onboarding can easily be carried out from home with simple-to-use walkthroughs and step-by-step guides designed to get employees up and running in a matter of minutes.
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